6.5 miles
HOLY *&$#@!!!! It is day 85!
3 amazing things today:
(1) I am running 85 days straight. Who would have thought... AMAAAAAAAAZING!
(2) People in Belarus are really showing it the rest of the world... I never thought I would see this. I talk to my mother every day (they are there)... she is on medicine (too much stress, nervousness, and I think excitement too). If people of Belarus can stand up to the dictator with flowers, women's march and ignite that fire in the entire county. Anything is possible! Even if takes 26 years..
(3) I am running in the dark now... the days are getting shorter and squeezing runs is becoming more challenging... will have to get a good flashlight and will probably avoid trails (might run into bears... there are bears in these trails and they put up signs with their sightings).
...and the most important thing - which is not only amazing today, but every day - I am living.