8.12 miles (total: 2,421.31)
I haven’t written here for more than a month. The entire month of June I lifted weights - every day. Writing about it would be a bore. Why lift? No particular reason, just wanted to see how much stronger I can get by focusing more on building muscle. It helped, I still felt good, but nothing like running.
Finally, after traveling and being preoccupied with things that life surprises you with - a somewhat long run in a while..
Nothing particularly special, no heroism or teeth-gritting were involved, just good old-fashioned getting on with it. Yet it felt miraculously good, as it always does. My head and body felt detoxified, cleansed, recharged. It’s as if I had restored myself to “factory settings”..
Or, more simply, maybe I’ve discovered that there is more strength in me than I’d thought.
I’ve finished the run simply whispering “how I love ❤️ life”. It came out without thinking, just came out.