10.46 miles (total: 2,124.47 miles)
The beauty of running is its accessibility. Almost anyone, anywhere, can lace up their shoes, walk out of their door and go for a run. Today I did just that.. and I felt like a "REAL runner" :). I got enough sleep and the body was rested. A good shuteye always works. I started out slow, and just kept going.
A thought came to mind while running - one of the reasons why I might be enjoying this so much is because it is an activity in which I have no hope of becoming exceptional, hence all the pressure is gone, I am just running for fun, and it is so uplifting and absorbing, at least in part precisely because there’s zero danger. In the process, the experience is something else - it's called freedom. Freedom to pursue the futile, the freedom to suck without caring - THAT'S BIG!
Happy Running!