5.02 miles (total: 1838.68 miles)
Why do people run? Well, running is cheaper than buying home gym equipment, for one thing. And getting set up is a lot less complicated. You don't need anything other than a pair of running shoes (and some people would argue you don't even need them), and you can run almost anywhere. You can run as long or as short as you want, as fast or as slow as you want, by yourself or with friends or with your kids or your loved one, at 5AM or at 10PM. Running gives you time alone with your thoughts and gives you the freedom to have one thing in your life that you do just for you. And you can start running when you are six years old or 40 :)
I strongly believe everybody should try running. And when I say try it, I mean do it long enough that you get through the part where it sucks and into the fleeting but noticeable part where you actually think it's fun. Because you will come to a point (even if for a little moment), where it feels really good. And that's one of the best reasons to run.