5.57 miles (total: 1833.66 miles)
I ran happy. A bit jaded, but still - h a p p y... it was cold but sunny. This week the weather is going to get warmer, and I can't wait. 70s sounds soo pleasant.. I am constantly freezing, when not on the move (maybe with all the fat gone, nothing to keep me warm), but in all seriousness, I have to bundle myself to stay semi-comfortable. M said that he would invent a "climate shirt" to adjust the temperature to the wishes of its wearer, and some days I feel I would pay "millions" just to get something like this to keep me warm. I've tried warm showers, warm/winter clothes inside the house (you can only imagine how absurd I look next to the rest of my kin), but nothing keeps me as warm as the movement, which leads to more running :) vicious cycles. I look at my kids running around in T-shirts during the day and envy them (they are not cold) - so unfair!
Besides oscillations in the body temperature, the rest of the body is still holding together. 44 days to go..