6.46 miles (total: 1702.53 miles)
I had a wonderful run today. Quiet, dark streets and I am running..
On most days, there is only one answer that has always made sense: get up and run. Whatever the problem in my life, the solution has always been the same: keep going! My lungs might be screaming, my muscles might be crying in agony, my stomach might be growling from hunger, but I keep on, putting one foot in front of the other - kind of amazing actually :)
I've ran with bruised legs and scraped skin. It's a hard, simple calculus: run until you can't run anymore. Then run some more. Find a new source of energy and will, every single day. Then run even faster or longer, whichever one you prefer :)
I run because overcoming the difficulties of these daily runs reminds me that I can overcome the difficulties in life. That overcoming difficulties is life. So rather than complaining about difficulties, embracing them for what they are - they make up a good life.
2 more days.. and then some more...