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Writer's pictureThe Bored Runner

Day 272, T-93 (February 21, 2021)

5.36 miles (total: 1567.31 miles)

Today I could not shut off work from my brain. I ran, but I don't remember actually 'running'. Just remember the movement, but I was not present in it at all. My mind was in a complete different world. I was on autopilot. It's actually scary a bit, how you can be awake, but completely "out of it". I have been feeling a lot like this in the past several months, part (I know) is due to physical fatigue from running, but I am not going to stop, just because the body is nagging. I would rather be "on the running hangover" than otherwise. (Sometimes I wonder, will I let it go... but for any foreseeable future not likely).

In any case, it was a run. And any run is > than no run.

The other day I've overheard Freddy telling his sister - she is on 270th day! And she got all this running equipment for running in the snow (showing her my Yaktrax, proudly). How far we've both come... to come to this point where he is actually proud and supportive of this addiction :) Amazing.

I can't wait for the days to become longer, the sunshine to come back and for the weather to become warmer so I could run in the T-shirt and shorts with the wind in my hair. It sounds so wonderful right now as we are expecting storm and grey days ahead... let's hope we don't lose electricity again (that would be a major blow).

Ready for the next day!

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