5 miles
Today is 200 of baking for the Bored Baker! She was the spark that ignited this "running sensation" (aka the Bored Runner :) - if you land on my main page, you will see. Happy 200, Bored Baker! Please keep up at it. We are all rooting for you! and for 365 days of amazing desserts, joy, happiness and passion you bring with your daily cooking creations. The world is becoming a better place every day, because people like you don't give up.
And The Bored Revolution is an amazing experiment for everyone to give a chance in their lives. I am one such example of such an amazing experiment.
The run today was challenging emotionally. When I asked my mother "what should I do"? Her response was priceless :)
"Stop crying. It won't add more health. Switch to positive. If it helps, get drunk. It will give you a hangover, but then will help make you feel better :) That's what older, more experienced people used to advise me.Be a good girl. Always in thoughts with you. Don't hold pain inside. Go scream it out. One of my friends used to drive to the forest and cry and scream her lungs out there!!! It helps release emotional stress!!!"
Ok, Bored Runner (talking to myself here) - here is a challenge, next time you running through the trail - SCREAM! Your mom said it will make you feel better :)
Day 126...