Day 362, T-3 (May 22, 2021)
8.57 miles (total: 2048.67 miles) I was saving today's run for the very last day, but it would not be feasible, so I went for it today....
This page was inspired by The Bored Baker (a young lady who uses baking to "cure her boredom" during COVID-19 times and whose recipes are truly amazing! You definitely should try some of them. You can also read/watch the video about her here.)
Seeing daily notifications from her in my mailbox... it was inspiring.
I chose running as my "daily therapy"..
I've figured in the worst case, I would become "really fit" :)
and in the best case, who knows what will happen.
So every day, I run
and log it here after the run is finished.
Simple :)